Lulu's Garden and Fund

Lulu's Garden


Dedicated in May 2014, the Garden lines the front entrance to the MCPK and serves as a living laboratory for the earth science and gardening instruction of Laura Marchese. Ana Lucia "Lulu" Haynes attended the MCPK from 2012-14 and the perennial garden was made possible by her family and a community of local donors and artisans. It reflects Lulu’s bright, colorful personality and students are free to walk upon the border-stones.


Lulu's Fund


Generous memorial contributions, in lieu of flowers, inspired the creation of the MCPK's first dedicated endowment for need-based tuition assistance to sustain and expand the availability of scholarships. Lulu was known to her family and teachers as a “sweet, spunky” and generous spirit always willing to be helpful. The Fund extends that helping spirit to children and families and the family ensures that every donated dollar is used for aid.